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Our Superpower

We reveal the complete set

of prescription options

It started with one doctor insight.

When Dr. Paul Bradley, a leading internist, realized his patients weren’t taking the medications he prescribed because they couldn’t afford them–that was the pivotal Scripta-starting insight. He, like many doctors, didn’t know the cost of the drugs when he wrote the scripts. But, as someone who also served as principal investigator in dozens of clinical trials, he did know the “latest, greatest drug advertised on TV” wasn’t any more effective.

There are very expensive drugs,
and there are very inexpensive alternatives…
the only difference is the ink that comes out of my pen.

- Paul S. Bradley, MD


We're doctor founded, doctor driven.

Dr. Bradley and his wife, Mindy, gathered physicians in nearly every specialty to map all the ways to save their patients money on prescription drugs. What started as an informal focus group with spreadsheets led to the formation of Scripta’s P&T Committee, which still drives the company’s insights today, and became the foundation of our Med Mapper™ AI software.

Dr. Paul Bradley Tells Our Founding Story | Scripta Insights
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Paul S. Bradley, MD, Scripta Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer tells our origin story.

We’re on a mission.

At Scripta, we carry on Dr. Bradley’s mission to get patients The Right Meds at The Best Price™. We’re putting the power of prescription choice in the patient’s hands (with their doctor, of course). We’re creating healthier outcomes through greater medication choice. We’re improving lives through better-informed Rx decisions.

We’ve saved plan sponsors, and their members, millions of dollars on prescriptions.

We’re just getting started.

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Actually shopping for Rx.


Our team.

We have the best team of doctors, pharmacists, analysts, developers, and business professionals out there. What do they all have in common? They come to work ready to make a difference in people’s lives Every. Single. Day.


Meet Our Team and Our Board.

Our investors.

The VC community believes in our mission, too. 

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