Ourlife Health announces national launch for program designed to address the spiraling cost of prescription medications.
June 12, 2013 – SAVANNAH, GA – In tough economic times, we cut corners and, if you are one of the 6 in 10 Americans who take prescription medications, you might even be tempted to skip a dose here and there. You wouldn’t be alone. Over 25 million Americans don’t take their medications as directed due to cost, which means that serious medical conditions go untreated—according to a Harvard study missed meds cost the US Healthcare system upwards of $290 billion annually.
In order to combat this alarming trend, Ourlife Health announces the national launch of Scripta, an innovative program designed to address the spiraling cost of prescription medications. The program is currently deployed on behalf of three of the largest employers in Savannah, Georgia. Scripta has saved one Fortune 500 company over $5.4 million in prescription drug costs in just three years, in addition to significant co-pay savings for over 5000 of its employees.
Ourlife Health’s Chairman and Founder, Dr. Paul S. Bradley says that doctors are an important part of the solution. “We have more options than ever when it comes to prescription drugs, but all the medicine in the world doesn’t help if people aren’t taking it correctly. At Ourlife Health, we think cost needs to be part of a doctor’s decision-making process, and Scripta makes that possible.”
Launched in 2008 as S.A.V.E Rx, Scripta is currently focused on providing relief for self-funded companies, which employ about 60% of all insured workers in America. It is these employers who pay for the portion of drug costs not-addressed by employee co-pays, costs that have grown at a rate that far exceeds inflation. “The goal,” Bradley says, “is to make sure that your employees are getting the best meds at the best price. When that happens, everyone wins.”
About Scripta
Scripta provides immediate savings for self-funded organizations by helping employees find “The Best Meds at the Best Price.”™ The program supports employee health by streamlining valuable cost and co-pay information and by providing information about cost-saving medication alternatives to employees and their physicians.
About Ourlife Health
Ourlife Health is innovative health and wellness company founded by Dr. Paul S. Bradley and a group of sixty area physicians in Savannah, Georgia. The company is dedicated to working with businesses, individuals, and their physicians to improve medical outcomes and patient compliance, reduce health care costs, and optimize quality of life.